Spring has truly arrived!!! you can smell it, feel it and of course you can see it! each day the leaves on trees are opening more and more, theres also something else... I feel the Fae are hard at work! bee's are flying from one flower to the next and the animals are awaiting the arrival of new born's, Spring is such an wakening time that you can't help but feel a new spring in your step!.
At FAE HQ Karen is putting the last touches to the Summer Issue and at the same time sorting and fine tuning plans for 3 wishes, but also she's preparing herself for another ball! Yep the busy little bee is getting ready for the 2nd ball of the year!
this time round its for Beltane also know as "May Day" and to celebrate World Fairy Festival Day!!
this time round its for Beltane also know as "May Day" and to celebrate World Fairy Festival Day!!
The Beltaine Faery Ball will be held in Avalon~Glastonbury. As it holds a deep rooted magic, and it is believed that the entrance to the Fae world is on the mound of which the Tor Stands.
So its a perfect place to pay homage to the fairies on Beltaine and World fairy festival day!
So its a perfect place to pay homage to the fairies on Beltaine and World fairy festival day!
As Always Karen provides a magical line up and this event is no different. the musical line up consists of Obsidian featuring Doreen Virtue, The Gypsy Nomads and Tatiana Scavnicky & Mark Watson.
Felicity Fry Le Fay and Oliver Soloman La Fay will play hosts to the ball, they know how to make you feel welcome and set you at ease!
You'll also be able to get some interesting beverages at the Giggling Goblin bar! these guys were new at the Spring Faery ball and I've heard nothing but great things about them! Tickets and more information as always is available on faeryevents.com.
You'll also be able to get some interesting beverages at the Giggling Goblin bar! these guys were new at the Spring Faery ball and I've heard nothing but great things about them! Tickets and more information as always is available on faeryevents.com.
Loves and sparkles!
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