Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Busy little bee!!

... Phew what a busy couple of weeks.
I've been such a busy bee! time is flying by and days are meshing together! I've been doing it all!, from flat viewing, celebrating my 24th birthday (19th March) to sorting things out for the Summer issue of  Fae Magazine.
I've been pretty rushed off my feet, I've almost forgotten what its like the chill. On top of everything else work has also been crazy! can't complain though as what with times being as they are, we're happy to still be going given that my Dads company is small in contrast to others. I'd like to say that things are starting to slow down but I'd be lying, as just last week while i was knee deep e-mails to suppliers both at work and for my article, i was asked if I'd do a birthday for a Mothers 50th birthday!, the idea of doing another birthday set my imagination alight, i always have a feeling of "oh what now" once I've handed in my writings and sent orders off at work, so to have something to keep me going is always a winner, Ok you might think I'm mad taking something on so soon after clearing my desk as it were, but i enjoy it and as April is going to be quite a quiet month, well apart from the Charity night on the 29th for Emmaliese and the teenage cancer trust!, i welcome the new challenge.

I'm really excited about my next feature! i can't say much on it as its all kept under wraps until it comes out! but i had a lot of fun doing this one! once it comes out I'll be able to tell you abit more!
I'm also over the moon to learn that BlackGang Chine (the islands only theme park) is going to be hosting a Fairy Fest! I'm going along to take some photos and to represent Fae Magazine, I'll also be joined by some Island fairies who are sorting out there tutus and wings!! I'm hoping that this event will be a hit as the organizers are looking to making it an annual event! yay!!!


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Hearth and Home

As you may be aware the spectrum of the Fae Folk is huge! Some are up in the air and its very hard to coax them back down to earth, You have the free spirited ones who seem to travel the length and breadth of the earth. finding new places!.
But what about the fairies who's magical place is actually their home?
I have yet to a make a house home ,but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about what I'd do once we find our own place. Deep down i feel i may have a hint of  hearth and home Fae inside me, for i enjoy nothing more than baking up something sweet in the kitchen or snuggling on the sofa with a good book, i know of one such couple who seem to be full Hearth and Home beings. Bryony of FaeNation and Bruce of have lovingly restored there Yorkshire house into a beautiful home! Bryony recently decided to write up about the undertaking of making there home become alive again. their eye for detail is amazing! her first installment is that of her beautiful living room! What I'd give to achieve something like this.

Where it has been possible they've used local and reclaimed materials, such as an old railway sleeper for the mantle and York stone for the hearth, Don't you just love what she does to the fire place for MidWinter?.

She states that some items were Ebay finds such as the bookcase and Others were from local places such as the sofa that came from a firm who offer bespoke furniture, I think you achive so much more from a room when you hunt out something original and allow it to breath again, something i think doesn't happen if your home looks like its come off the pages of a catalogue. This room is beautiful in every way, looking at it, it looks like how it would have been many moons ago!. its warm, cosy and definitely somewhere to relax after a long day. a peaceful sanctuary from the outside world

I look forward to the next installment and you can aswell by popping over to her Live Journal.


Monday, 14 March 2011

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt

Daffodils are popping up all over the place and the Bluebells wont be far to follow suite!
spring for me is a great time, people often have a season thats their most favorite, but i think each season has its good points and own vibe. Spring is a perfect time to plant strawberry seeds ready for Summer time treats, At the moment i don't have my own garden but my mum lets me plant away! back in February i took a photo of some crocuses that had popped up out of no where, We've lived here for 6yrs now and we've never had these pretty flowers in our garden, and another flower to blossom for the first time is Daffodils.

When it comes to gardening I'm not the most green fingered but i do try, As a little girl i would often join my mum in watching gardeners world and sometimes would tune into watch the chelsea flower show. I loved looking at all the pretty flowers and gardens that the people would create, i've always loved walking through stately gardens, the perfect lines and colours themes were of much wonder to me. I have such fond memories of helping picking juicy apples and tomatoes in my Granddads garden,I dream of the perfect garden thats full of wild flowers, a little Vegetable patch maybe a little water feature and at the bottom a  potting shed hidden amongst mature wisteria.
Of course the garden is a perfect habitate for the fairies!!
These are just a few of the flowers i've found in my garden!

And these Gardens are found in the grounds of
  Mottistone and Osborne house

Pull out your wellies and get planting! Enjoy the garden and watch things grow and know you've helped nature!!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Sweet treats and Fairy findings

Happy Friday!!
Here on the Island the sun is shining and there spots of yellow flowers amongst the lawns and bushes.
today I'd like to sharewith you my finds on Etsy!!,Etsy It has to be in my opinion the best online market place in the world, full of hand made creations, theres something for everyone. today i based my search on all things sweet and faery!

 Sweet treats
Above are some of the cakes and cookies that stood out to me the most!,
there bright, sweet and look so very tasty.
Links for the yummies :
The Groovy Baker , Stay Calm Cupcake, Crazy Maes,
Le Chic Bakery Boutique
, and SugarRobot

The Above are my faery inspired finds!, with spring ever nearer i think brighter tones of green are a must!,
one of my favorite pieces has to be the hat with the fawn ears on the side!, i also love the cuffs it looks as though the maker has used moss from the Forest ground! You'll find the sellers of the above items on my treasury page

Have a great weekend
Faery sparkles

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

It's like David and Goliath for any small craftsman who has just his independent ideas and wants to bring those into the light

Good Evening readers!
Tonight i find myself blogging about a craftsman who has one heck of a talent. As you've noticed there's quite a few women that dominate the Fae World (and that's no bad thing i might add), the men are there but have habits that remind me of the wise men from years gone by, you see there work but never in person. Its taken a while for this FaeMan to come forward and I'm so glad he has, he's brought something new and fresh which i think is a must amongst the fairy dust and glitter, the stronger more masculin side helps to bring an even balance which is good and always needed, you can't have to much of one thing ying and yang work very well.

Last year was the first time that myself and the Mr actually spoke to the Craftsman in question. He and Lee seemed to chat like long old friends continuing from where they left off. and since then there bond has become greater, as they share the same thoughts about creating things, they seem to help each other.

So I'd like to talk to you about James Ewing!
James has invested alot of time and dedication in learning how to bring out his talents full potential. From working in a blacksmiths to gaining experience in architectural antiques. He also spent 5years in higher education, where 3 were spent doing design craft. So its safe to say that he knows what he's doing and it sure as hell shows in his work.

Last year while at a friends house he showed me one of his creations and i was blown away! he presented me with a replica of the Snitch from Harry Potter!, the detail on it was amazing!, i stood for a while just taking it all in, i was half expecting to press a hiden pressure botton and for a set a of wings to pop out,to my dissapointment it didn't happen. In October 2010 James showed the Fae Community just what he could do, after months welding and making things perfect he showed off The Radhost complector.

The RadHost complector ^

"The Radhost Complector shows its bearer the way to other world realms and planes of existence. Etched inside you will find many dead ends and oubliettes tempting you to stray from the paths that lead to Avalon, Atlantis, Asgard, Midgard, Helheim and tir Na Nog, home to the Fae folk and to the Cormon. But most important of all, you will find the path home."

From a mystical compass of sorts to a complete Ancient Samurai suit of armour, its safe to say that he's not a one trick poney. Like Armorel, James has helped make props for indepent films, infact they had worked together on set with The Chagford Filmmaking Group. One of the items James made was the Castle Key (as seen in bottom left picture).
I can't wait to see what his next project is, from what i've seen so far i know its going to be good.

As always please take a few moments to head on over to his website and have look for yourself :

Till next time :)